Personal Website with Vanilla HTML/CSS/JS

Objective: Launch a personal website for personal advertising purposes without a overarching framework (ie. React or Next.js).

    ❖ Utilized a ground-up approach in order to learn the most about the fundamentals of web dev.
        ❖ Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, vanilla JS
    ❖ Applied and learned about a wide range of backend protocols/concepts while maintaining security. 
        ❖ Store Data: Heroku web-scraping server (Node.js) → PostgreSQL DB (via Supabase)
        ❖ Fetch Data: Server-side request → CORS proxy (Heroku) → TS function (via Supabase) → DB


General Skills:

    ❖ Going from buying a domain to launching it via 3rd-party hosting
    ❖ Learned various protocols, policies, and mechanisms including: 
        ❖ Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
        ❖ Content Security Policy (CSP)
        ❖ Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
    ❖ Learned to utilize proxy servers (primarily for CORS)
    ❖ Re-applied previous knowledge in APIs and web-scraping to GET & POST data to DB


    ❖ HTML5
    ❖ CSS3
    ❖ JavaScript/TypeScript
    ❖ SQL


    ❖ Node.js (web-scraping server)
    ❖ Github pages hosting
    ❖ SupaBase PostgreSQL Database
    ❖ Heroku third-party server hosting

Other Skills:

    ❖ Git/Version Control

Project Sample